Books & Book Chapters

Programming & Software Development
Latest Book, 2024

Programming &
Software Development

With AI and Machine Concepts

This book serves as a comprehensive guide for aspiring students, programmers, and software developers interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The book delves deeper into computer programming and software development by exploring programming paradigms in C/C++, C#, Java, Python, HTML, PHP, SQL, Prolog, and MATLAB. This book focuses on the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms, database programming, Internet and web programming essentials, mobile computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) basics. In addition, this book explores emerging machine learning algorithms with software development frameworks, libraries, and tools commonly employed in AI and ML application development. Readers will gain practical knowledge in designing and implementing efficient algorithms for solving complex problems. Moreover, readers will be exposed to various types of AI and ML software, platforms, and frameworks, and gain insights into leading AI companies.

Key Features:
  • Introduces a deep understanding of programming and software development with the concepts of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and their advanced frameworks.
  • Provides a vast thought on data structures and algorithms, database programming, Internet and Web programming, mobile computing, and Android programming, and Programming for IoTs and Arduino simulators, with numerous program examples.
  • Highlights the practical programming approaches in C/C++, Java, C#, Python, PROLOG, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, MATLAB, Jupyter Notebook, and Google Colab, incorporating AI and machine learning algorithms.

Authored Books

Programming & Software Development with AI and Machine Learning Concepts
Programming & Software Development
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Continuous Bangla Speech Processing

Book Chapters

Md. Mijanur Rahman and Fatema Khatun (2023). Challenges and Prospective of AI and 5G-Enabled Technologies in Emerging Applications during the Pandemic.  Industry 4.0 – Perspectives and Applications. IntechOpen, Feb. 2023.

Full Chapter
Md. Mijanur Rahman and Mahnuma Rahman Rinty (2023). Text Information Extraction from Digital Image Documents Using Optical Character Recognition. Computational Intelligence in Image and Video Processing, 1st Edition, 2023. CRC, Taylor & Francis.

Full Chapter
Rahman, M. M. (2021). Study on Introducing Biometric Fingerprint Authentication in Automated Student Attendance System. New Visions in Science and Technology Vol. 4, 121–131.

Full Chapter
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