Courses Conducted

By M. M. Rahman

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Bangladesh.

Structured Programming

This is an introductory course and covers the key features of the C language and its usage. This course is aimed at advancing concepts of programming and software code organization within the framework of structural and procedural programming paradigms. This course involves a lab component which is designed to give the student hands-on experience with the concepts. Students will be able to develop logic which will help them to create programs and applications in C. Also, by learning the basic programming constructs they can easily switch over to any other language in the future.

Course Contents

  • About This course
  • About Class and Course Evaluation
  • The Grading System
  • Course Prerequisites and Dependencies
  • Course Objectives
  • Course Contents
  • Overall Teaching Goals
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Text Books and References
Lecture SP#01
  • Introduction
  • Software and Programming Language
  • Types of Programming Languages
  • Commonly Used Programming Languages
  • Program Development Life Cycle
  • Types of Errors in Programs
  • Algorithm and Flowchart
  • Control Structures
  • Pseudo Code
  • Programming Paradigms
Lectures: SP#02 | SP#03 | SP#04
  • The C Programming Language
  • History of the C Language
  • Features of C Language
  • Preparing to C Program
  • The C Development Cycle
  • Your First C Program
  • How C Programming Language Works?
  • C Environment
  • Key Uses and Applications
  • Why Learn C Language?
  • Sample C Programs
Lecture SP#05
  • Basic Structure of C Program
  • C Tokens
  • Data Types
  • Variables Declaration
  • Operators
  • Constant Declaration
  • Statements and Expressions
  • Input and Output Statements

Lectures: SP#06 | SP#07

  • Conditional Control Structures
  • Selection Statements
  • if statement
  • if..else statements
  • nested if statements
  • if-else-if ladder
  • switch statements
  • Jump Statements:
    • break
    • continue
    • goto
    • return
Lectures: SP#08 | SP#09
  • Conditional Control Structures
  • Decision making and looping (Iteration) statements:
    • for loop
    • while loop
    • do…while loop

Lectures: SP#10

  • C Array
  • Properties of Array
  • Advantages and disadvantages of C Array
  • Declaration and Initialization of Array
  • Two-Dimensional Array in C
  • Character Array
  • Dynamic Array
Lectures: SP#11 | SP#12 | SP#13
  • Top-Down Modular Programming
  • Functions in C
  • Why do we need function?
  • Function Types: User-defined and Library
  • Elements of User-defined Function
  • Function Definition
  • Function Declaration
  • Function Calls
  • Category of Functions
  • Parameters passing to Functions
  • Main Function
  • Library Functions
  • Nesting of Functions
  • Recursion
Lectures: SP#14 | SP#15 | SP#16
  • What is Structure?
  • Arrays vs. Structures
  • Defining Structure
  • Declaring Structure Variables
  • Accessing Structure Members
  • Structure Initialization
  • Operations on Individual Members
  • Array of Structures
  • Structure within Structure
  • Structures and Functions
  • Unions
Lectures: SP#17 | SP#18 | SP#19
  • What is Pointer in C?
  • Memory Organization of Pointers
  • Accessing the Address of a Variable
  • Declaration of Pointer Variables
  • Initialization of Pointer Variables
  • Accessing a Variable Through Its Pointer
  • Pointer Expressions
  • Pointers and Arrays, and Array of Pointers
  • Pointers and Strings
  • Pointers and Functions
  • Pointers and Structures
Lectures: SP#20 | SP#21 | SP#22
  • Introduction
  • Why do we need File Handling in C?
  • Types of Files in C
  • C File Operations
  • File Pointer in C
  • Functions for File Handling
  • Defining and Opening a File
  • Closing a File
  • I/O Operations on Files
  • Reading from a File
  • Writing to a File
  • Error Handling during File Operations
Lectures: SP#23 | SP#24 | SP#25

Text & Reference Books:

Online Course Materials:

Online C Compiler:

Software (Code:: Blocks):

Programming with C++

"Programming with C++" is a foundational course designed to teach the fundamentals of the C++ programming language. This course is often part of computer science or engineering curricula and is suitable for beginners who are new to programming as well as those who have some prior experience with other languages. Key Topics Covered: Introduction to C++, Data Types and Variables, Control Structures, Functions, Arrays and Strings, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts, Operator Overloading, File Handling.

Course Contents

  • About This Course
  • Course Outcomes
  • About Class and Course Evaluation
  • The Grading System
  • Course Contents
  • Course Objectives
  • Course Prerequisites
  • Text Books and References
  • Computer Programming
  • Software Development Stages
  • Programming Languages
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture 01 [PDF]
  • History of C++ Language
  • Features of C++ Language
  • C++ Program Structure
  • C++ Tokens
  • Simple C++ Programs
Lecture 02: C++ Basics
  • C++ Identifiers
  • C++ Keywords
  • C++ Variables
    • Types of C++ Variables
    • Scope of Variables in C++
  • Constants in C++
  • C++ Data Types
    • C++ Data Type Modifiers
    • Type Conversion in C++
  • Literals In C++
Lecture 03: C++ Keywords, Variables and Data Types
Text & Reference Books: Online Course Materials: Online C++ Compiler: Software (Code:: Blocks):

Theory of Computation

The "Theory of Computation" is a branch of computer science and mathematics that focuses on determining problems that can be solved mechanically, using an algorithm or a set of programming rules. It is also concerned with the efficiency at which the algorithm can perform the solution. Content of the course: Automata and Formal Languages, Computability, and Complexity Theory.

Course Contents

  • About the course
  • Purpose and Motivation
  • What is the “Theory of Computation”?
  • Why Study Theory of computation
  • Course Contents
  • Learning Outcomes
  • List of Reference Books
Lecture TC#01
  • What is the “Theory of Computation”?
  • History: Theory of Computation
  • Branches of the Theory of Computation
  • Automata Theory, and Formal Language
  • Overview of Finite Automata, Context-free Grammars, Pushdown Automata, and Turing Machines
  • Computability Theory, Complexity Theory, and Models of Computation
  • Applications of Theory of computation
Lectures: TC#02 | TC#03 | TC#04
  • Set Theory
  • Sequences and Tuples
  • Relations: Properties of Relation, Closure of Relations
  • Functions
  • Alphabets, Strings, and Languages
  • Graph and Tree
  • Mathematical Logic
Lectures: TC#05 | TC#06 | TC#07 | TC#08 | TC#09 | TC#10
  • Task and Problem
  • Problem Representations
  • Types of Problems
  • Definitions, Theorems, Proofs
  • Proof Techniques
    • Direct proof technique
    • Proof by construction
    • Proof by contradiction
    • Proof by counter example
    • Proof by induction
    • Proof by using pigeonhole principle
    • Proof technique for if and only if statements
Lectures: TC#11 | TC#12 | TC#13
  • Finite State Machine
  • Types of Finite Automata
  • Transition Function, Diagram and Table
  • DFA, NFA, e-NFA with Definitions and Examples
  • Extended Transition Function
  • The Equivalence of NFA’s with and without e-moves
  • Conversion of e-NFA into NFA (without e)
  • Two-way FA
  • FA with Output: Moore machine, Mealy machine, Equivalence
  • Applications of FA
  • The Equivalence of DFA’s and NFA’s
Lectures: TC#14 | TC#15 | TC#16 | TC#17 | TC#18 | TC#19
  • Regular Expressions
  • Regular Languages
  • Operation on Regular Languages
  • Extensions of Regular Expressions
  • Regular Sets and Properties of Regular Sets
  • Identities Related to Regular Expressions
  • Conversion of Finite Automata into Regular Expressions
  • Conversion of Regular Expressions into Finite Automata
  • Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages
  • Closure Properties of Regular Languages
  • Relationship with other Computation Models
Lectures: TC#20 | TC#21 | TC#22
  • Introduction  to Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
  • Formal Definition of Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
  • Example of Context-Free Grammars
  • Parse Trees
  • Capabilities of CFG
  • Relationship with other Computation Models
  • Types of Context-Free Grammars
  • Derivations Using Grammars
  • Removal of Ambiguity
  • Removal of Left Recursion
  • Left Factoring
  • Simplification of CFG
  • Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
Lectures: TC#23 | TC#24 | TC#25
  • Pushdown Automata (PDA)
  • Components of PDA
  • Formal Definition of PDA
  • Instantaneous Description and Notation
  • PDA Examples
  • PDA Acceptance
  • Non-deterministic PDA
  • PDA vs. CFG
Lectures: TC#26 | TC#27
  • Theory of Computation, By Rajesh K. Shukla
  • Introduction to the Theory of Computation, By Michael Sipser
  • Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation, By John C Martin
  • An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, By Peter Linz
  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, By John E. Hopcroft and Jeffery D. Ullman
  • Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation, By Raymond Green and H. James Hoover

Basic Programming with Python

The objectives of a Basic Programming with Python course are to provide learners with foundational knowledge and skills in programming using the Python programming language. A basic outline for a course on programming with Python includes Introduction to Python, Variables and Data Types, Operators and Expressions, Control Structures, Data Structures, Functions, Modules and Packages, File Handling, and Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). This course aims to empower learners with essential programming skills and knowledge using Python, enabling them to solve problems, write efficient code, and pursue further studies or careers in computer science and related fields.

Course Contents

  • Computer Programming
    • Problem Statement
    • Requirements Gathering
    • Design
    • Coding
    • Testing
    • Documentation
    • Maintenance
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming (or Development) Tools
Lecture: BPP-01
  • Python Programming
    • Major Features of Python
  • Basic Structure of Python Program
    • Components of Python Program
  • Elements of Python Program
    • Variables in Python
    • Built-in Data Types
    • Input Function
    • Type Conversion
    • Operators in Python
    • Statements and Expressions
    • Keywords in Python
Lecture: BPP-02 | BPP-03
  • Conditional Statements
    • if Statement
    • if…else Statement
    • if…elif Statement
    • Nested Conditionals
    • Conditional Operator (Conditional Expression)
    • Match-Case Statement
  • Iteration (Loop) Statements
    • for Loop
    • for…else Loop
    • while Loop
    • while…else Loop
    • Using else Statement with Loops
    • Nested Loops
  • Loop Control Statements
    • Break Statement
    • Continue Statement
    • Pass Statement
Lectures: BPP-04 | BPP-05 | BPP-06
  • Data Structures
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Dictionary
  • String
  • Arrays
Lectures: BPP-07

Lecture 10

  • Procedural Oriented Approach
  • OOP Concepts
  • Class and Object
  • Methods in Python
  • Program Examples Using Class, Object and Method
  • Encapsulation in Python
  • Static Variable and Static Method
  • Constructor in Python
  • Instance Variable and Instance Method
  • Inheritance in Python
Lectures: BPP-11 | BPP-12 | BPP-13 | BPP-14
  1. Online IDE: Online Python Compiler (Interpreter): Write and run Python code using online compiler (interpreter). We can use Python Shell like IDLE, and take inputs from the user in the Python compiler.
  2. IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment): IDLE is a default editor that accompanies Python. This IDE is suitable for beginner-level developers. The IDLE tool can be used on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.
  3. PyCharm: PyCharm is a widely used Python IDE created by JetBrains. This IDE is suitable for professional developers and facilitates the development of large Python projects.How to install and set up PyCharm:
  4. Python in Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is an open-source (and free) IDE created by Microsoft. It finds great use in Python development. VS Code is lightweight and comes with powerful features that only some of the paid IDEs offer.
  5. Jupyter Notebook: Jupyter is widely used in the field of data science. It is easy to use, interactive and allows live code sharing and visualization.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a core course in Computer Science. The goal is to acquire knowledge of intelligent systems and agents, formalization of knowledge, reasoning with and without uncertainty, machine learning, and applications at a basic level.

Course Contents

  • What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
  • How does AI work?
  • Types of AI
  • What are examples of AI technology and how is it used today?
  • Components of AI
  • Objectives of this Course
  • Course Contents
  • Recommended Books
Lecture o1
  • Introduction to AI
  • Major goals of AI
  • Some definitions of AI
  • History of AI
  • The Foundations of AI
  • How to work the human brain?
  • Sub-fields of AI
  • The State of the Art
  • Components of AI System
  • How does Artificial Intelligence work?
  • Fundamental Techniques of AI
  • Types of AI
  • AI in Everyday Life
  • What is an (Intelligent) Agent?
  • Structure of an Intelligent Agent
  • Major Features of Agents
  • PAGE Properties
  • A Simple Agent Example
  • Rationality and Rational Agents
  • BDI Agents Model
  • Autonomy in Agent
  • PEAS Analysis
  • Agents vs Other Software
  • Agent Programs
  • Types of Agents: Simple Reflex Agents, Model-Based Reflex Agents, Goal-Based Agents, and Utility-Based Agents
  • Learning Agents
  • How do the components of agent programs work?
  • Overview of Agent Terminology
  • Nature of Environments
  • Properties of Task Environments
  • Examples of Task Environments
  • Knowledge and Knowledge with AI
  • Knowledge Engineering
  • Knowledge Acquisition
  • Sources of Knowledge
  • Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning
  • Knowledge & Intelligence
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Levels of Knowledge & KR
  • Knowledge Base & Management
  • Knowledge-based Agent
  • Database vs Knowledge-base
  • Applications of Knowledge-base
  • Types of Knowledge
  • Cycle of KR in AI
  • Knowledge Progression
  • Knowledge (DIKW) Model
  • Techniques of KR
  • Approaches to KR in AI
  • What is Prolog?
  • The Structure of Prolog Program: Facts. Rules, Query
  • Clause and Programs
  • Some simple Prolog programs
  • Syntax of Prolog Program
  • Matching Operation
  • Input and Output
  • Meaning of Prolog Program
  • How to write a rule?
  • Types of Objects
  • Operations on Lists
  • Operators
  • Expressions
  • Predicates
  • Looping
  • Manu-base Program
  • Prolog Programs on Tree and Graph Problems.
  • Prolog Programs for DFA and NFA
  • Prolog Programs for DFA and NFA
  • Prolog Programs for Graph with cycle
  • Programs with files
  • Logic and Symbolic Logic
  • Logic Types
  • Propositional Logic (PL)
    • Syntax, Semantics, and Terminology
    • PL: Properties of Statements
    • PL: Inference Rules
  • Predicate Logic: Terminology
  • First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL)
    • Syntax and Semantics of FOPL
    • WFFs and Properties of wffs
    • Clausal Form and Resolution
    • Conversion to Clausal Form
  • Introduction to uncertainty
  • Non-Monotonic vs Monotonic Reasoning
  • Why we need more than first-order logic?
  • Why do we need reasoning under uncertainty?
  • Source of Uncertainty
  • How to classify uncertainty?
  • Making Decision: Uncertainty
  • Analysis/Handling Techniques
    • Fuzzy Logic
    • Bayesian Probability Theory
    • Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
    • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Problem solving
  • Search and examples of search problems
  • Searching for solutions
  • Tree searches and search strategies
  • Search algorithms
  • Depth Limited Search Algorithm
  • Iterative Deepening Depth First Search (IDDFS)
  • Informed or Heuristic Search
    • Best First Search Algorithm (Greedy search)
    • Best First Search Algorithm (Greedy search)
    • A* Search Algorithm
    • Hill Climbing Algorithm
  • What is an Expert System (ES)?
  • Characteristics and Capabilities of ES
  • Examples and Pioneer Works of ES
  • Expert Systems vs Conventional Systems
  • Components of Expert Systems
    • Architecture of a typical Expert System
    • Knowledge Base
    • Inference Engine
    • User Interface
    • Explanation subsystem
    • Blackboard
    • Knowledge refinement subsystem
  • Expertise and Expert
  • Benefits and Limitations of Expert System
  • Applications of Expert System
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