Nepal Diary

Nepal is a country renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Nepal is home to eight of the world’s 14 highest peaks, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. The majestic Himalayas form a stunning backdrop to the country’s landscapes. Beyond the towering peaks, Nepal boasts diverse landscapes, ranging from lush green valleys and terraced fields to dense forests and serene lakes. The geographical variety is astonishing. The diverse topography of Nepal offers excellent opportunities for adventure seekers. Trekking, mountaineering, white-water rafting, and paragliding are just a few of the activities that attract adventure enthusiasts from around the world.  The people of Nepal are known for their warmth and hospitality. The diverse ethnic groups and communities contribute to a rich tapestry of traditions, festivals, and customs. (Visited in January 2019)

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The Annapurna Circuit

Annapurna is a massif in the Himalayas, and it includes several peaks, with Annapurna I being the 10th highest peak in the world. The sight of these majestic snow-capped peaks against the clear blue sky is awe-inspiring. The Annapurna region offers some of the most popular trekking trails in the world, including the Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Base Camp treks. The trails take you through diverse landscapes, including terraced fields, rhododendron forests, and high-altitude deserts. 

Muktinath Region

The focal point of the region is the Muktinath Temple, a sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus and Buddhists. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu in the Hindu tradition and to Avalokiteshvara in the Buddhist tradition. The region is part of the Annapurna Circuit, and trekkers often cross the challenging Thorong La Pass to reach Muktinath. The pass offers spectacular views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, adding to the allure of the trek. Nestled in the Mustang district, the Muktinath region is surrounded by stunning landscapes. 

Jomsom Town

Jomsom, located in the Mustang district of Nepal, is a town known for its unique and captivating beauty. Jomsom is situated in the Kali Gandaki River Valley, surrounded by striking landscapes. The region features a blend of lush greenery, barren landscapes, and snow-capped peaks, creating a picturesque setting. Jomsom serves as the gateway to the Upper Mustang region, a restricted area with a distinct Tibetan culture. The trek from Jomsom to Upper Mustang takes you through arid landscapes, ancient monasteries, and traditional villages.

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